It is a known fact that technology does many great things that impact our world. Not only does it allow you to connect and talk to people from all over the planet, but it also holds a vast amount of information. 
You turn on your TV and you could instantly be tuned into a news report of something that's happening on a different continent. 
Many people do not find reading a history book enjoyable, but because of the history channel and our "history based" movies, individuals can now learn and enjoy themselves through technology...(even tho I do recommend books). 
One of my favorite "perks" to technology is being able to type almost any question or thought into Google. The internet hold a massive amount of information. Sometimes it can be overwhelming and occasionally it may even be confusing and hard to decipher what is true and what is fabricated. Everything is capable of being improved and everything in life is a working progress. The internet and technology based items are no exception. 

My writing has definitely changed because of technology. Is it for the Good? Possibly. But is it for the worse? That could be a possibility as well. Many different technologies has influenced my writing.
      -Text Messaging

Text Messaging:
      No matter how you slice the cake, text messaging has definitely changed the way people communicate. And because it is a key board based communication, it has changed the way we write. Writing/typing has gone from an "art" to a quick and convenient form of communication. Instead of having to call someone and talk more personally together, you can simply text them a question. Texting has gone from a "quick little message" to most people's everyday conversations. 
      Texting has made me abbreviate words, and even phrases, It has made me cut words from a normal sentence so that that sentence will fit the text. Although through texting I now type and write everyday, it believe it has damaged not only my vocabulary but also my sentence structure, spelling, and basic grammar.  

      I would like to think that emailing has done the opposite to my writing than what texting has done. The only people in my life that I email are my professors or somebody in the field of education. Therefore, when I am emailing someone, it forces me to speak professionally, use correct grammar, and it emphasizes the need for correct spelling. Before I send an email, I double and triple check it before I hit send.

      Another form of technology that I did not list above that has the greatest influence on my writing is the use of spell check. Spell check is a very helpful tool when writing a paper, but what happens when you have to hand something into class that is handwritten and spell check is not there to lend a hand? What happens when all of a sudden you have to send an email to a professor and there is no spell check option? Not only is spell check on computers for when your writing a paper, but it is also used on most smart phones when texting to a friend. Most people would view this as a good thing and I use to too. It wasn't until i had to take my Praxis 1 exam that I had a change of heart. I cannot even explain the panic that went through my body when I saw that the essay required no spell check. It was then when I realized how dependent I was on the computer correcting my spelling. 

9/17/2013 04:52:07 am

I disagree/agree, well about spell check. I mean obviously spell check us dumbed us down a bit, but I think other forms of technology have as well. I sadly don't know how to live with out spell check. Which does make it hard when spell check isn't an option.

Mia Tallone
9/17/2013 04:52:45 am

Your discussion about spell check is very relatable. I feel as though it is both good and bad. The advantage of spell check is that it doesn't require us to think and is always is fast and easy. The disadvantage of spell check is that when the setting is not available, spelling becomes more difficult because we are so use to depending on spell check to spell words correctly for us.

Sarah Borja
9/17/2013 04:56:13 am

I totally agree that we're really dependent on spellcheck (I actually used it right there. I originally spelled it as "dependant") Although I'd say I'm still pretty good on grammar, there are words that I misspell over and over again because spellcheck corrects it for me. I find, however, that when I fix the spelling myself instead of having it autocorrected, I learn the word more easily. Maybe that's the trick to it?

Allison Pfander
12/12/2013 03:25:31 am

I agree that text messages and email have definitely changed the way that people communicate. I am not sure if it is good or bad, but it is what it is, and people need to accept that. There are many advantages and disadvantages to this. One advantage is the instant gratification of text messaging, and sometimes, even emailing if the email is streamed to the cell phone. This makes it easy to get in touch with almost anyone at any time no matter what this person may be doing. They can get back to you whenever it is convenient for them. Some disadvantages are of text messaging and emailing are this whole new "language" that comes with it. People, especially kids, have a hard time deciphering when to use what. It is more important to be professional.


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